November has been a busy month, full of our very tightly packed schedules and very full adventures. The husband started his new job at the beginning of the month and it has proved to be, well, interesting. He heads to work at 5 pm on Friday night and arrives back home at 5pm on Sunday night. He gets a 4 hour break during his shift, which he takes on Saturday from 3pm to 7pm, so we can have dinner as a family, and he can put Rockford to sleep. But other than that, he doesn't get to leave work - for any reason. And so I've begun life as a single mother on the weekends.

-Rockford at seven months-
With Andy at work all weekend, it also means we don't have an entire day off together to spend as a family. And that I don't have a day off from work where I have him to help with the babe. It will be interesting to see how we all adapt. What will change? What will stay the same? What will morph into something we couldn't even imagine?
I assume these next couple of months will keep me busy with the holidays. My mom will visit for Thanksgiving, and we'll head South for Rockford's first Christmas. And then, before you know it he'll be turning ONE.
I think the blogs, both this one, and the one dedicated to the boy, will see more action. I'll get sewing, knitting and home projects done. I'll occupy myself with reading, and hobbies and housework and get through each weekend without a moment of boredom. We will dedicate days for lunch dates and nights for family time. We'll figure out time to be off work together, and to take time for us. We'll adapt.
-On a lunch date at our favorite Sushi place-

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