**Happy Birthday to one of the most amazing women I know. You're one of my best friends and I would hate life without you.**
I know, I know, it's been like 600 years since I've posted. What can I say? You know when you're getting ready to write a post and you think, "Geez, what the heck do I have to write about? Life's been slow, boring, lame even, lately."
Ya. Well right now I
don't have that problem. There's been so much going on that I have too much to write about. For now though, let me first apologize to all of the bloggers whose comment spaces have been without a word from me for the same 600 years. I really feel like I haven't hung out with my friends in forever, I have no idea what's been going on with you all!
First news. The work blog I mentioned a while back is totally in the works, so to speak. It will be available for you all very soon. I'm super jazzed about it. All 3 of us at Pushplay are contributing and there's going to be some fun behind the scenes stuff going on. Occasionally, if my work life and me life overlap, I may double a post, or link to one on the work site or something, but I am not, NOT giving up my personal blog. That, at least for me, would be tragic.
So. This isn't really a post about any updates or things. It's just a post to get me back on the saddle. Typing and thinking. These past few weeks have been so tremendously busy that I told Andy at one point, "man I'm glad breathing happens naturally, otherwise I think I've been to busy to think about it, I would have stopped and not known it until I was dead."