Wednesday, August 27, 2008


3, 2, 1....Blastoff

These tiny Science Heroes have their own space ship!

Andy with his dad, Ted and eldest brother, TJ

The Weber Men showing off their guns.
Ted, Bridge, Peter, Corbin, Andy, TJ

Weber sister-in-laws
Me (married to the youngest Andy, obviously), Mara the original Weber woman, Jen (married the eldest, TJ), Mary (married the third kid, Peter)

Honorary Weber woman, my mum

Ahh. A Day at the Reservoir...bliss

Andy with his brother Peter, we call this "parallel play"

Peter's youngest, Corbin

Mara and Me, my sister in law

Mara's eldest and my favorite teenager, Tess

Mara's youngest, Bridge, our "Boomer" with his favorite Uncle

Me following Kendal's order to "show me an attitude Aunt Meg"

TJ and Jen's middle daughter, Kendal in action showin me her attitude

TJ and Jen's youngest, Madi

Madi's portrait of her favorite Aunt and Uncle

Madi "borrowed" my camera and took pictures of things she liked and secret pictures of people...

Madi's favorite things and "secret pictures"

Madi takes great photos and she's a girl after my own heart...

Her perspective of her grandma and uncle

Our last day in California to come...a preview

Monday, August 18, 2008

last call

We're going here!!!

Farewell California, we wish we could stay longer.

For those of you that don't like clicking on links...

Sunday, August 17, 2008

when the whistle blows.

Day 1 Thursday. Train Station. Oregon. 4:15 pm.

The train's late.
What does that mean, late? Like ten minutes? An hour?
We don't know. We'll update you as soon as we hear anything.
Ok. - she turns to her husband - I guess we get to go across the street and get a drink.

Freakin good thing I left work early.

This would become a pattern for our entire trip down to california.
The train's late. What does that mean? We don't know. I guess, ok?!?

Skip ahead to: Day 2 Friday. Train Station. California. 8:45 pm.

We're 7 hours late. SEVEN. We were "en-route" for 25 hours. Wait. Let me say it again. TWENTY-FIVE HOURS.
And the trip was nothing but one rude amtrak employee after another. No one provided information. Or help. Or anything frankly.

We missed the one opportunity we had to hang out with all the adults in our family without the kids around. They sat in a sophisticated sushi restaurant, drank expensive saki, laughed, and enjoyed adult conversation as we sat on the train, sometimes with no explanation, in the middle of nowhere, not moving, just sitting still, for 20 minutes.

Every stop we made at a station, they would come on the intercom and announce that we would only be stopping for 5 minutes...forty minutes later we'd pull out of the station at a speed never to exceed thirty miles per hour except for the rare occasion where we'd finally be faster than the cars on the side road next to us...which would last for too short of a time. Frustration. Anxiety. Anger. Not what we'd planned...but oh well. We arrived.

So. We're here. Safe. And on our way to the reservoir. On to the family photos from our bbq at Peter and Mary's house yesterday.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

a weekend without work

We're going to California in a couple of weeks. Sooo...look for photos of that soon. Also, pretty much all of our friends are going to be out of town for a month in Germany, so if you're around and my friend come over so I don't feel like I'm alone all the freaking time. And then there's the little thing I do called, "my work." Ya. Just so you know. It's pretty much kicking ass right now and I don't have time for anything else, like sleep, or working out, or anything, except that I had last weekend off. Completely. From Friday night all through Sunday.
I know.

So what did we do? Partied like only Science Heroes can! Actually. Science was in Salem on Friday playing a show and that meant I was home alone. All night. And then into the next day. Ya. Um. Did I ever mention how my neighbors are terrifying? Well. At night, it's worse, I know right? Who would of thought?

So. Friday night, home alone. I worked on my art space in the garage. Sooo...that, on Saturday I could paint! It was a tremendous, long awaited, glorious experience. I'm not done yet with any of the pieces. But, when I am I'll post some fancy photos for ya'll.

Saturday night...Heroic Science at WOW Hall.

It. Was. Epic.

More to come on all this.
tired. sleepy. want to get up early and...dare she say it?...go on a RUN...