These tiny Science Heroes have their own space ship!
Andy with his dad, Ted and eldest brother, TJ
The Weber Men showing off their guns.
Ted, Bridge, Peter, Corbin, Andy, TJ
Weber sister-in-laws
Me (married to the youngest Andy, obviously), Mara the original Weber woman, Jen (married the eldest, TJ), Mary (married the third kid, Peter)

Honorary Weber woman, my mum

Ahh. A Day at the Reservoir...bliss
Andy with his brother Peter, we call this "parallel play"
Peter's youngest, Corbin
Mara and Me, my sister in law
Mara's eldest and my favorite teenager, Tess
Mara's youngest, Bridge, our "Boomer" with his favorite Uncle
Me following Kendal's order to "show me an attitude Aunt Meg"
TJ and Jen's middle daughter, Kendal in action showin me her attitude
TJ and Jen's youngest, Madi
Madi's portrait of her favorite Aunt and Uncle
Madi "borrowed" my camera and took pictures of things she liked and secret pictures of people...
Madi's favorite things and "secret pictures"
Madi takes great photos and she's a girl after my own heart...
Her perspective of her grandma and uncle
Our last day in California to come...a preview
Looks like fun!
What water hole was that?
I just love Madi's prespective. Thanks for not posting the butt shot or did I delet that one?
it's the reservoir out on castoro land, just a few minutes from the weber compound on hog canyon.
butt shot?? you must have deleted it, now I'm curious! darn you!
it is a true honor to be an honorary weber woman!
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