I think it was two weeks ago that I was quoted as saying, 'the big has begun' and if it was under debate before, there's no way it can be now. As Autumn said, the belly's past the boobs, it's legit pregnant time.
facts for where we're at:
1. I'm averaging pretty good sleep, I only wake up at most 3 times each night to pee
2. Weight gain is steady, and I still have 8 to go till I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight
3. We still don't have any top names for Ant, for real.
4. I've had beef for dinner twice now. Crazy weird for me.
5. Since hitting the 6 month mark, it means we're right around the corner from the third trimester, wow.
Our little midget is so awesome. He has a great, steady sleep and wake cycle, and when he is awake he's a rock star, jumping around everywhere. Even though I can't wait to meet him and have him here with us, I'm super happy he isn't here quite yet. I'm cherishing this time with Andy. We've been together over 10 years now and it's always been just the two of us, adding in another person is going to take adjusting in a whole different way for us. But I have to say, I think I'm in love with two guys.
facts for where we're at:
1. I'm averaging pretty good sleep, I only wake up at most 3 times each night to pee
2. Weight gain is steady, and I still have 8 to go till I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight
3. We still don't have any top names for Ant, for real.
4. I've had beef for dinner twice now. Crazy weird for me.
5. Since hitting the 6 month mark, it means we're right around the corner from the third trimester, wow.
Our little midget is so awesome. He has a great, steady sleep and wake cycle, and when he is awake he's a rock star, jumping around everywhere. Even though I can't wait to meet him and have him here with us, I'm super happy he isn't here quite yet. I'm cherishing this time with Andy. We've been together over 10 years now and it's always been just the two of us, adding in another person is going to take adjusting in a whole different way for us. But I have to say, I think I'm in love with two guys.
"I think I'm in love with two guys."
You're so cute! :)
And I love the baby belly. I can't wait to meet the little man!
I love my one guy even more cause of his love for the little guy. I'm excited to meet him too!
Yeah, I used to just be in love with three men. That was controversial. Now I'm in love with a lady too. I never knew.
Love it. Super legit now too. I head over heels for a girl...and a guy- I bet I could get on Maury or the Tyra show with that.
Ladies I think it's time we all called up Tyra and got super famous for this "Big Love" hahaa
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