Things sure are changing around here, and we couldn't be happier.

The office has now become the Man Cave, since both the boy and the man of the house have furniture and fart in here.

Our seating has changed too, and if I'm at home, you can be sure the boppie and a burp cloth are near by. That thing is genius and even though we haven't had a need for the burp cloth yet, I can bet that the day I don't have it near will be the first day he spits up all over me.
And of course, here's an adorable photo of the boy.

The story goes, he woke up fussing, way too early for his nap to be over, so my mom took him in to change his diaper - typically a wet diaper is the ONLY thing that will wake him from a nap early. She set him on the changing table, in the warm sun and he stretched out and fell back asleep. I just happened to capture him mid dream smile.
Sometimes he likes to be bundled up, sometimes he'd rather stretch out and relax in the sun. He's a boy of many moods.
Oh my goodness. That boy has changed SO much already. I need to get over for a visit ASAP.
He's beautiful! And yes, I can certainly identify with all the changes. I'm just coming to terms with the fact that the will never end.
Oh Meg you know you fartr in there too
Oh I cannot WAIT to see him and kiss him. Because he obviously deserves to be kissed lots and lots. Well done, Meg (and Andy)--he's perfect. And I love the smile and how comfortable he looks with the world around him :-). Happy Little Man Day, Rockford.
And I LOVE your furniture, Meg :-).
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