Sunday, April 27, 2008

at least there's an excuse not to do yard work.

*Edited for clarification
I wrote this post last weekend, when it actually happened and then, well, my charger stopped working, so the battery died, I couldn't access my computer and so it sat, awaiting a charge. Which, incidentally, I got the new cord and what's that you say? It almost burned the house down? Yes, that's correct, and frustrating, and making me mad and I have to go to sleep. So we'll talk about it later. Now. On to the post!


So you know when it's late April, and it's cold outside, and you're all bundled up and warm under the covers and you look out the back window and there's snow all over the place? Wait, it's freaking late April and there's snow on the ground? Here? At my house? I can't believe Al Gore invented the internet and discovered global warming. Shesh! Happy weekend.

Did I mention this happened 2 days in a row?!?! Fluke, or what's in store till the next ice age?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

cord, fire.... wait isn't that all powerful MAC!! ... oh my the first MAC complaint EVER!!!

Anonymous said...

cord, fire.... wait isn't that all powerful MAC!! ... oh my the first MAC complaint EVER!!!

meg said...

it's not really a "complaint" per say, cause they fix, replace, and make all things better the moment you let em know. it's just annoying for a bit...