And, the best part was, we get to say forever that we were his very first babysitters....thanks French's for trusting us with your little mister.

In 3 hours we were alone with little mister (aka Zain), Andy fed him a bottle, burped him and held him as he fell asleep.

Then, very soon after that, I changed his diaper and he slept peacefully until he woke up and needed to eat, again. That was a long 5 minutes while we were waiting for the bottle to warm up...but all was well and the cycle of the burping and the eating and the burping and the sleeping and the changing the diaper, happened again, and then again.

I just never wanted to put him down. I couldn't imagine having to clean a house or cook meals when there's a little mister like him just hanging out being all cuddly like he is...
This was Andy 'n Jen's first time being away from Zain together, and they were gone for 3 whole hours. We think Jen liked going out on a date with, her husband, Andy...but what I know for sure is that she missed Zain and was sooo happy to see him when they got home.
We love the French family and are so happy they're close enough to hang out with. Aren't they just the perfect family? I think so...

This is our attempt at taking the best photo ever. Andy took a photo of us where we were all squishing our faces together, you know, to make sure we were all in the frame, except he had a ton of nothing all around us. This was our response to that silly photo, we wanted to "take up the entire frame" this time...I think it worked out nicely......i love it.

Aw. We love you too.
It was so good seeing you guys.
Btw, the pic of Andy feeding Zain is adorable.
dude, when you guys sit around the park you really sit around the park....well you get the idea, smash half weird al & half a corny picture joke and blah.
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