Thursday, July 17, 2008

It started around 3 o'clock

What do you do when a client calls and wants you to fly to somewhere in the mid-west?

Well I know what I did....
-began a detailed budget, which meant...
-pricing plane tickets
-checking hotel room rates, making sure to stay away from the rising rivers
-figuring out what,how,where to rent a vehicle big enough for crew and gear
-figuring out how to rent grip equipment in another state on short notice
-calling our trusty crew members to see if they're available

(did I mention...this is supposed to happen next week?)

-compiled a list of items we could bring, how much they'd weigh, and budgeted for "extra luggage"
-came up with a nice round number that I'm sure will be rejected and then went home for the night cause they aren't getting back to us until tomorrow. Did I mention they want this all to happen next week, like on Tuesday?
No, I'm not freaking out, why do you ask?


Anonymous said...

it's the tense-ness in your voice!

Josh (the oak) said...

How did you get so awesome?

meg said...

The Oak. The answer is, I've always been awesome. It's hurts that you didn't think so.